Hey Guy's!!!
4th day into 2021 & I can't complain, I came in peaceful, quietly & feeling blessed from walking out of 2020 with all my loved one healthy & in hand. I wish you all a beautiful 2021, may it be prosperous to you in every way possible.
Here at Country Chic Homes we're all cleared out of Christmas & any holiday decor & have settled nicely into Winter & all that comes with it. Decorating is to a minimal here, but still very precise & all the cozy vibes.
This year I'll be focusing more on pieces that will stay around for the long haul & spaces to not be moved around so much, but more pictures of small vignettes to give you inspiration on how to create vignettes for your home. I'll still be share our spaces in full view to give you a full view. One thing you'll see this year, is a touch of one color, head one over to IG to see what the color will be. I hope to be able to incorporate that color in all most every square.
I plan to keep with our Pinterest page too as it's a totally different platform & offers so much inspiration for everyone.
Thank you so much for a wonderful year of letting me show my home & this year with be even better!!!
