So let's chat lighting. Our new home didn't come wired for lighting, bummed. But I knew that I needed my chandeliers some how I was going to have them.
Once we were all moved in, I started looking on FB Marketplace, my absolute favorite store haha! I found 2 after what seemed like the owners failed garage sale. He was asking $20 for both & he couldn't promise if they worked as he had them for quite sometime in his garage. SOLD. No I didn't measure nor did I ask for the measurements, I just hoped they fit in my 4 door car.
When I arrived, I only loaded 1, but as I was pulling out of his drive way I just couldn't so after moving seats, opening windows I made the 2nd one fit.
They're both 2 tiered, white originally brass. I was okay with their paint job, I wasn't going to change them. They fit perfectly with my vibe back at home.
The larger one went outside in our back yard as I knew I just couldn't pull that one off for what my plan was inside. It was way too heavy & I knew the bf wasn't going to be too thrilled. The smaller one would have to go in our dining room. I had a plan of how it would hang & it was going to be amazing.
The one outside I just wrapped the chain around & around a branch & what I thought I was ordering were solar light bulbs.. thwy ended up not being 100% so onto plan b. I ordered a strand of fairy solar lights! & there you go! Our backyard had a hanging chandelier, my heart!! Now onto the inside one.
I went to home depot & I purchased a plumbing pipe, metal. 10ft x 1/2, a metal brace, elbow to connect another pipe 8". I came hom, the bf was kind enough to screw the brace into a piece of wood that I already had. While he was asleep haha.. I screwed the 10ft pole in. That's when I realized, I had 2 ends & they obviously weren't going to connect... onto plan b. I had a metal jean hook, those from the manufacturer same color of the pole.... &&&& Whoop whoop I hung the chandy! Okay well wait. She was wired so I needed to re-wire her to a plug in. I ordered a wire kit & yup I was scared to do it, so the bf did it. Okay so now to give her some weight at the bottom. I put the entire base inside of a huge basket that I had already. The bf had 2 boxes of mixing mud, we set those on top of the base. I ran the cord thru 2 of the basket slats. I covered everything inside with one of my faux rugs. She was done, we plugged her in & only the bottom strand works, I am okay with that. She gives so much light with the 5 arms.
Okay now I needed a living room chandy, again on FB Marketplace. I found a vintage crystal chandy! Only $20 all the crystals but she definitely didn't work. Again, I was okay with that as I had a different plan for her. She would sit on our coffee table as a candelabra. I pulled & cut out her wires and sat her on top, gave her some white tapers. Oh so romantic! I just love how she glows.
Through this process of the 3 chandy's, I learned that not everything goes as planned, that you need to have a plan b & that vintage items may not fully work so you make do. & that's exactly what I did.
I added a few pictures of each one, I truly hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Thanks A Billion!!!
Since writing this post, I changed out the chandelier in the dining room to a French inspired one. It fits better with our home & it's size balances out the room. Oh & all the light work too! I removed the charms that it came with & added vintage crystals to it that I found on Etsy.