Cheers 2021 Hello 2022
Happy New Years Eve & Cheers to 2021! As I look back on the 365 days I am grateful for each one of them. Some challenged me & brought me sorrow but I learned from the hardest days & they made me stronger. I won't say that I am glad to see 2021 go, because with out it I wouldn't be who I am today. I've learned to appreciate the good & the bad & to see the lesson. Of course the good always feels so good but knowing now I am even more so grateful for those easy days.
I am grateful for all the support you've given me, for all the encouragement on my ventures & for showing me friendship. I thank you. 2022 will be an amazing year as 2021 was part of my building foundation & I am happy to share it with you.
My wish for you for the coming 365 days is to find the balance & to learn how to dance in the rain . To grow where you thought you couldn't, to rejoice where you once saw pain, to laugh out loud when you're in company, to love where love is needed, to be visual for all the big things around you but also for the littlest. My greatest wish though is to be you & embrace every part.
Cheers to 2021 & Hello 2022