Hey Guy's Welcome
Ok.. let me first start of with giving you a HUGE thank you for bei
ng here with me! You probably arrived here by clicking on my link on IG or FB!? So ya'll already know kinda what I do & who I am if you've been following me, I know kinda creepy but that's how these things work for us. So let me give you a few deets of what you'll get here on the blog & what is new to Country Chic Homes. I have closed my website through shopify as I felt it wasn't a right fit for me & for what I am doing & wanting to accomplish for CCH. I am a creator of making homes be beautiful & cozy, well really any space. I have a passion for new, vintage & rustic pieces. I love creating with pieces that no one else see the beauty in them anymore, so kinda like one man's garbage is absolutely my treasure. I am starting to collaborate with other businesses by using their pieces in my creations. That will be in a different post. I want to see others succeed & if I can help them do so then great!!! I am still selling CCH Stamped Paperback Books Sets on my etsy shop & a few other piece's https://www.etsy.com/shop/shopcountrychichomes/ I will still sell my lovely mason jar candles, but only in the Fall & during Christmas. So definitely stock up!!
For 2020, I am wanting & will grow Country Chic Homes blog & on social media. I will always be creating in my home as I find so much peace into it, but for 2020 I will be creating for others! So thank you so much for being here & supporting my dream & helping me make it into a reality.
Much love & always be blessed in all that you do!
