Omgee It's Friday!
Hey Guy's one question?? How is it already Friday? I had so much fun with ya'll over on IG that ya'll made my week fly by! We did a few DIY's on stories, we created together my side table in my dining room & I worked crazy on the blog & on the website too. So if you haven;t noticed they're 2 new pages on the Website her, "Where Do I Shop" & "Let's Work Together." Each page is new this week, so head on over & check them out!! I'll be updating when needed the Where Do I Shop page. Let's Work Together, I would love to work with you,I offer dofferent options, so check it out & see what works for you. Okay, so now onto the this week's squares deet's.
I shared with ya'll my cozy bed with my new pillows from With Lavender & Grace, "You will forever be my always." If you haven't had one of these pillows you're missing out, so many different styles to choose from. Perfect in every way. I love a white cozy bed, it makes it feel so refreshing!! I of course have many set's of sheets & pillow covers to keep it looking white. But for the most part, it's always look nice. I am one to make my bed everyday, it' makes my home complete & like I accomplished a huge task.

Alright, so for Wednesday I shared with ya'll my couch & coffee table. On my couch I have my With Lavender & Grace, I can't tell you enough how much I love these pillow covers, they come in several different size & so many styles to choose from, use CCH10 to receive 10% OFF your purchase! On a previous blog post, I have how I have covered my couch with drop cloth. On my coffee table, I have my staple piece, my angel on a tray. Next to it I have my vintage soda bottle crate that I found on Facebook Marketplace late last year. I love candles & find any way to display tapers. In this creation, I gathered my clear glass bottles & that was it.. my taper's fit perfectly. When I have it lite, it's magical!

Okay ya'll got a double wammy!! I did it again! I used a dish towel into a wall piece & I love it & ya'll did too. So this time around I have one from Charlie James & Co.currently instock & use CCH20 at checkout to recieve 20% OFF your total!! Hurry on over! I'll link the one I have here, but you can choose from 2 styles. I have showing the Fresh Flower Market, I have it styled with a vintage inspired can, I have a stems inside, my sign from Marshall's Please Close The Gate & our vintage shears So simple to create but oh so perfect!
Whoop whoop! Friday Guy's post was so much fun cause I created it with you on my stories on IG!! I used my huge heavy hurricane candle holders that we found on Facebook Marketplace, perfect Mother's Day gift, my wood bead garland with hand tied fabric, we also did a DIY together!! I saved it to my stories & I have a blog post on it too. My wood piece with 2 vintage door knobs, I was so happy when I found this one & another one on FB Marketplace. I used my Topiary that I bought at a local grocery store for a steal, my wood sign from Charlie James & Co., the one that I have sold out!! But there are other sayings to choose from. I talked about in my stories how I style in my creations, I usually don't center I have a balance of spreading items out to create more than one creation. Oh & for some extra texture, i have a piece of drop cloth just peaking out of a few places. TIP: create with textures, and layer up!

Well Guy's that wraps up this week's post's, I absolutely loved every post & seeing all your comments & hearts made my day, you're my rock, my tribe & my peeps that are making my dream's come to reality!! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!
Till Next Week,