Honoring Pepper: Embracing the Beautiful Tradition of Dia de Los Muertos
In the days leading up to Dia de Los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, the spirits of beloved pets who have passed away come back to the world of the living to visit their families and enjoy the offerings placed on their ofrenda / altar, such as their favorite food, treats, toys, and other cherished belongings.
Added to the indigenously rooted, primarily Mexican holiday celebrated on the first two days of November, is the observance on October 27th to remember our beloved pets, but Pepper who will always remain a toddler in our eyes & heart will be remembered through the entire celebration.
Pepper passed away on February 15th, 2024, a day that will forever be etched in my memory. It was a day I had dreaded, a day I had hoped would never come, but we must accept the reality that their lives are shorter than ours. I think of him constantly, feeling his presence with every breath I take. As the festive day approached and its beauty unfolded, I was surprised when our eldest, Carlos, expressed a desire to honor Pepper by creating an ofrenda, an altar. Andrew had mentioned this idea to me weeks before, but I hadn't given it much thought then. However, when Carlos suggested it, I agreed, realizing that my longing for Pepper was shared by many others; he was loved by all.
We laid out Pepper's preferred treats and foods which were many, he sure loved to eat! We included some adorable pictures of him on his altar. Along with his belongings and ashes, we adorned the altar with flower arrangements and twinkling tea lights. The final display was so beautiful that I felt joy in bringing his altar to life Billy suggested placing one of Pepper's large pictures at the front, so we took one off the wall and positioned it prominently. Noodle, who adores it, finds comfort in being near her brother, often napping under the basket and gazing at his picture. I intend to create a cozy space for her to maintain this connection once the altar is removed.
We will continue to honor this beautiful Mexican tradition. We will always keep you in our memories until we meet again, my sweet boy.
