That's A Wrap, Come & See The Season's Last Tablescape
Well, here at CCH, summer has slowly ended & of course, I would end it with a tablescape. Would you have expected anything else, probably not LOL!
Is it officially the end of summer? No, but here at CCH, we love to fall & love to enjoy it as much as we can. So, we wrap up summer as soon as August rolls around. I knew I wanted to do a table that would represent summer at its finest. Remember, here we do summer simple & keeping it easy. I wanted it to feel inviting, cozy, romantic & with all of my favorite elements.
In today's post on my social media, I share a video of the tablescape. Here I want to share with you still photos. Not too much to read, but it'll be more of a visual post. I will create more posts like these here for you to get a better view of what I have shared on the other platforms. If you have any questions about the pictures, always feel free to drop them in the comment section below.
Okay, let's see some photos!
I've added tips along the way.
