The Unseen Pictures Of CCH
There is beauty that goes unnoticed, a view that gets unseen here & there at Country Chic Homes. In this post, I want to share them with you.
Why do they go unseen on Instagram? But sometimes, they are tucked away in a blog post or as a filler picture somewhere on the blog or even in the shop section of CCH. The main reason why they may not be seen or featured is the question that goes through my mind many times, "are they good enough" to make it on social media? Oh, another reason is the angle. I've talked about it in a previous post about different angles & learning how to take pictures of those spaces in our homes. I'll add that post at the bottom of this post & link it here for you to read.
But earlier today, I was looking at my pictures as I was editing my post for today & came across the folder "unpublished" I opened up the folder & as I started looking at them, I saw the beauty in each one. So why not feature them here? In what really is their home.
I hope you find the beauty in them, too & find inspiration in them. My TIP of the day, open up the folder of your "unpublished" & discover the beauty that you saw through the lens just as when you took that one shot.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
P.S. What do you think of these pictures? Tell me in a comment below.
