When To Change Creations??
Hey Guy's!!
Let me start by saying HAPPY FRIDAAAYY!!! All though for me this week by went bu super fast, I am so glad the weekend has arrived! So whatever your plans are, enjoy every second of it!
Okay so in this post I want to chat about a question I get asked all the time... "how often do you re-create a space?"... Well y'all, as much I'd like to say daily, I don't for a few reasons, time & it can get pricey are a few reasons why. But I do re-create a least 2 spaces weekly. And that may just be moving items around & using what I already have. That's why when I buy items, I buy them with what fit's my home style, which is Country Vintage & Rustic in mind. That way any item will work in any room in my home. I can create item's daily for future creations, cause God knows I need to stay busy with creating & if I can't create an entire space, I can create items. So when you're out vintage shopping look for any item's that match you & your home, build your creating item's so then you have that flexibility to change items up. I have several item's that are my staple piece's in each space or creation, if you've been following me for sometime you'll know what they are. I'll be creating a blog post about those items soon. Keep your creation's real to you, your family & your home. I believe that by doing so, your home will be welcoming & cozy. So, create when you can & re-create as you go & always take pictures of every creation. I see it as it's a reflection of who you are & it's your very own creation.
Okay Guy's thank you so much for being here with me!!
Happy Creating & Re-Creating
