Winter Cozy Creations
Hey Guy's!
So what's next after all the ornaments, tinsel & stockings are put away? How do you create in your home or space? Well definitely there is a way & how to make it feel super cozy. Also, what to still leave un-packed. Ok ya'll, so I packed up anything that screamed Christmas, the day right after. My house was a mess for a few days until we could get all the storage containers out to our storage unit. Oh and let me tell ya'll Target has a nice SALE on their Christmas storage containers, so for next year head and grab some there. Cool thing is then you'll know that all your Christmas items are in the red containers. Okay so let's chat on how I created my home after Christmas..
After doing a deep cleaning, I enjoyed the blank canvass for a few days. Kinda just to feel fresh & let everything that I had been creating in my head fall into place. Like mentioned above, what I did keep out were a few of my small Christmas tree's. As you'll see how I incorporated them in my side table creation. OMGOODNESS!! I purchased that beauty on www.
I feel that you can still use these tree's for a few more weeks, until you start to create for Valentine's at least. To create during this time, you want to have a clean crisp feel & still have it be warm. I've done that by using candles. You can still burn CCH Christmas scents, but only if you were lucky enough to grab the Vanilla Cinnamon. The other scents, are for sure too Christmasy. I like to incorporate clear glass, my reason for this is we're coming into a new year & you want to have a clear mind & see right through what's to come. Keep any wood pieces that you may use light tones. One thing I really try not to do is doing too much, keep things clear, decluttered & neat. This is a time not to stress on what you're creating, we just did that since Halloween. Enjoy this time to see your home o
r space true beauty & it's the best time to reflect on where you're headed for the next year.
