Winter Vibes
All the Christmas has been taken down, packed & put away. Even the last bottle brush Christmas tree that was hiding. So what's next for decor at Country Chic Homes? Winter cozy vibes & ph the simplicity. I haven't seen my neutral vibe home in quite some time now, & believe me when I say I am not the only one who is craving that here on the home front.
Here at Country Chic Homes I have 5 good spaces that change a lot haha! The mantle, the dining table, the entryway table, coffee table & our "mantle" in our bedroom.
One space that was changed in our living room was the bench that Pepper laid under was moved into our bedroom to make room for the Christmas tree. Well we ended up loving it in our room & made the decision for it to stay. I found a vintage / primitive wood bench on Facebook Marketplace the week of Christmas. I knew exactly it would be going into the empty space in the living room. To soften it up I added a foam cushion filler & placed it inside of a grain sack that I already had. For the back I made a long pillow cover, but had no idea what I was going to put inside as I wanted it to be firm. Luckily I went to Target & found a faux leather pillow that was the same size of the pillow cover that I made & there I had my back cushion. I added my French basket next to the bench & hung over CCH new Faux Sheepskin Rug & a space was created.

A cozy winter bedroom is a must here for us. I brought out our winter whites & chunky knit throw. I kept the mantle area simple by adding a stack of leather books, CCH vintage inspired Candle Holders. I brought back my favorite Faux peonies that I purchased last year, the winter white makes them a perfect piece to add during winter. I have a total of 6 bunches in a galvanized metal bucket but can easily be placed in any vessel.
The entryway table is currently holding some of my Christmas gifts & additions to my growing French canning jars. The deep green glass with its rusty metal adds a warm hues to winter. I created a simple wreath by using a grapevine wreath from Michael's. I actually adding some of my Fall foilage, eucalyptus clippings & some baby breath that I had.
Our dining table is very simple with my paper whites that I planted in late fall. I think that it's time to toss them as they've bloomed & are very tall. Let's say they've seen their better days. Pinecones are in the middle of the table inside of CCH wood bowl . I do think I'll be creating a simple tablescape this coming week as it's been awhile since I've created one.
The coffee table & mantle remain very simple. I'll share some pictures of how simple. I needed simple as I believe those are the 2 spaces I see the most as they're in the living room.
New items have arrived at the shop a perfect time to add some new items to your home. Since they're many items that have arrived, I will add only brief descriptions to some & the rest as simple as I can under their pictures.
We were able to re-stock the measuring cups that sold out before Christmas. They're a bit different as these are copper plated, they still have the wood handle & give the French vibe to any kitchen. I brought in matching measuring spoons too.
White serving bowls, cause really one can't have enough bowls. Either to use in your kitchen or as a decor item. This week I shared how I used it as a decor item by placing a candle inside with a glass cloche.
A perfect wicker basket has been added too, it's a perfect size to organize any space in your home or to serve your friends & family appetizers or even a night cap of coffee.
Over the holidays our paper towel holder came apart. So I knew I needed to bring one into the shop that would be sturdy for any busy kitchen. Our iron pipe holder is perfect in every way. It's sturdy & pleasing. No need to screw off the top to place your napkin roll, just drop it right in.
Throws were a huge hit for the holidays, we brought in some new styles. A lighter weight but still warm & of course with tons of texture. There is 3 to choose from & believe me it is hard to choose only one. A great soxe 50"×60" each one allows for you to cozy up or even to hang on a vintage ladder or over your sofa.
Item's that I am on collecting are copper kitchenware & I have been finding a few on Facebook Marketplace. Be on the lookout,
I will be receiving some this week.
Vintage French items will be arriving too, I am super excited to get them in and add them to the shop.
Enjoy your week & hopefully you'll be able to create some cozy winter spaces!